Mind Over Body

During pregnancy your body goes through many changes, which creates stress on you mentally and physically. A way to maintain a healthy mind and body is prenatal yoga. Prenatal yoga focuses on poses for pregnant women, in order to increase strength and flexibility. It also helps pregnant women to develop proper breathing and relaxation techniques for easier and more comfortable labor.
We take this pride by guiding more than 3000+ girls during the pregnancy period. We request you to share your experience of our class with your pregnant friends and encourage them to join

Yoga During Pregnancy

Welcome to I-Yoga

This institution got the name I-Yoga in 2017, which stands for Indira Yoga founded by Mrs. Indira Bamb. She takes pregnancy classes from 2 month till due date.

Mrs Indira Bamb a House wife accidentally came in the field of YOGA, she joined yoga class of Mrs Padma kolwalkar who went on to Being her first Guru at the yoga classes she developed special interest in yoga due to which she started learning yoga under Mrs Kolwakar to become a yoga teacher. To perfect her yoga skills and get a certificate of the course she joined Yog Sadhana under Veena Sahastrabude, her second Guru along with it she also learned yoga at an Iyengar yoga institute for 1 year.

She conducted her first yoga class in 1996 teaching normal yoga. Then she went on to take medical yoga concieving classes, and sliming and weight loss classes.

In 2005 she started taking a pregnancy yoga class which becomes her forte. During that time she met her third guru “Dr Milind Dugad”, a renowned Gynecologist whose maternity hospital is in Adhinath Society, Pune. Dr Dugad helped her to take yoga classes for pregnancy with proper medical knowledge. In fact, she attended hospital delivery and C - Section procedures and sharpened her yoga skills to give her a medical aspect, which also helped her evaluate different type of students. After that she is taking Pregnancy Yoga classes based on patient condition, womb baby position, etc.

Since 2005, she started Garbhsanskar classes, when no one actually knew its importance. Nowadays Garbhsanskar become very helpful during pregnancy trimester. In 2012, she met her fourth guru “Shri Pravinrishiji Marasaheb “. She became an Arham Garbhsanskar teacher under the guidance of Shri Pravinrishiji Marasaheb. Arham garbhsanskar researched and developed by Shri Pravinrishiji. It is a very sacred method of garbhsanskar with mantra chanting, visualization and inner meditation.

Benefits of Yoga During Pregnancy

Yoga is a Safe and Enjoyable Way to Exercise While Pregnant

Yoga is a great way to stay fit, and it’s so much more than just exercise. Through regular yoga practice, you will connect with yourself and your baby, discover a new community of mothers-to-be, reduce stress and physical discomfort, and experience easier pregnancy and labour. Here are some of the most important benefits of pregnancy yoga.

Calming Effect on the Nervous System

It’s no secret that your emotional state during pregnancy affects your baby. If you’re calm and relaxed, you’re not only giving yourself an opportunity to enjoy this precious time in your life, but you’re also creating a happy environment for your baby to grow in.

Yoga will help you reduce the effects of everyday stress by encouraging you to stay in the present moment, connect with your breath and your body. A single session of yoga has been found to reduce expectant mothers’ anxiety by one third and lower the level of stress hormones by 14%. When you participate in a pregnancy yoga class, you will find even more emphasis on slowing down and relaxation than in a regular class.

More Comfortable Pregnancy

As your body is changing, you may experience some not-so-pleasant symptoms like back pain, tense neck and shoulders, cramps, carpal tunnel syndrome, and weak pelvic floor. Pregnancy yoga classes are designed to strengthen your core stability and pelvic floor muscles. It also involves a lot of stretching to relieve your back, neck, shoulders, and hips.

It’s unfortunate that during pregnancy, when you need a lot of rest, insomnia is a common complaint. Regular practice of yoga, especially if you begin in the second trimester, results in better and longer sleep, and fewer awakenings during the night.

Preparation for Labour

Research shows that pregnancy yoga contributes to shorter and less painful labour. Through yoga, women learn to connect with their bodies, which helps them feel more in control while giving birth.

Pregnancy yoga classes include breathing exercises in preparation for labour. Breathing is an excellent tool to manage pain. It also helps use the muscles involved in birthing the baby in the most efficient and gentle way. Imagine breathing the baby out (as opposed to pushing the baby out) and you immediately feel more peaceful, whether you’re just thinking about the labour or in the middle of it.

Bonding with Your Baby

In your busy day-to-day life, it’s easy to forget to stop and wonder at the developing miracle inside you. When you come to yoga class, you’re dedicating time to focus on your pregnancy. You will have the opportunity to relax, become aware of how you’re feeling, and connect with your baby. You will notice that your bond is growing stronger over time.

A Sense of Belonging

Social support is vital for your emotional well-being during pregnancy and after birth, but you may not always find a supportive community in your existing network of family and friends. When you come to pregnancy yoga, you will meet other mothers-to-be who have the same worries, challenges, and joys. You will build a circle of friends who understand exactly what you’re going through.

Often these friendships last beyond the birth of your child. When the baby comes, you will already have a network of mums in your local area.



Conceiving Class

​iyoga introduces online yoga exercises provides accurate guidance with yoga exercises / pranayam needed for conceiving. This helps in reducing stress levels, creating positive aura which helps conceiving .
Classes from 8th June 2020, 7am to 8am on regular basis
Platform used: Zoom


Pregnancy Yoga class

During pregnancy your body goes through many changes, which creates stress on you mentally and physically. A way to maintain a healthy mind and body is prenatal yoga. Prenatal yoga focuses on poses for pregnant women, in order to increase strength and flexibility. It also helps pregnant women to develop proper breathing and relaxation techniques for easier and more comfortable labor.


Couple Yoga Class

​iyoga introduces couple yoga exercises especially designed to help non conceiving couples.Couple exercise include a combination of yoga n exercise workout designed to make couples interact with each other. The idea is to make each other help during exercises so the bonding /sharing /caring increases by touching each other. This helps in reducing stress levels, creating positive aura which helps conceiving .
Couple yoga classes on Monday /Wednesday /Friday 7am to 8am on regular basis


Successful Stories


Baby Designing Studio

We are inviting Couples who are planning to have a baby or Couples who are conceived and are in their first trimester for designing their babies exactly like the baby in their mind. 'TRANSFORMING THE JOURNEY OF CHILDBIRTH THROUGH VISUALISATION' Pregnancy is to 'Be Planned and Not By Chance'. Visualisation the Ancient Art through which you can Achieve what is in your Mind. Bringing this beautiful experience to you through iYoga Baby Designing Studio. We help you achieve the baby in your mind through visualisation by Indira Bumb, a renouned Pregnancy Yoga Teacher along with

  • Complete Health Checkup
  • Medical Advice by Doctors
  • Diet
  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • Womb Talk
  • Breathing Techniques
  • Normal Yoga During Pregnancy
We work on the principles of Bonding / Caring / Sharing on the occasion of Women's Day we take this opportunity to Invite You both for a Free One Hour Online Session
AT 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm
Contact Us for more details
+91 98226 10926
+91 80876 88593
+91 98226 10911

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Couple Yoga

On Occasion of World Yoga Day we are organizing a free session for couples who couple who are facing problems in conceiving.
Contact Us for more details +91 98226 10926

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